A man who shows himself by deeds, not by words. Senior sex in Connecticut. Man seeking couple for sex personal ads

Def open to connections as they come. Masc/muscle blk guy military looking, hung/cut looking for mfm, mm action. Prefer a straight leaning bi girl as sharing my man with another girl is one of my biggest turn ons, but i want some fun aswell (.
Someone that's h & w proportionate and just want to get together for likeminded activities, and most of all to travel and see lots of different things contact me xxx. I'm the most friendly per ever, bisexual, looking to meet more women and get to know someone. Someone who wants to fuck me and I can provide multiple orgasms to. Im a bisexual married male yes and open about it who is on here to find a long-term Friend I can settle down and build a life together with." "I'm looking for a fun summer fling before I move to UK in the fall.".
Looking for fun nights out - let's connect and get a drink, flirt, and see where it goes :-) discretion is a must - one night stands or cam sex/phone sex.
Clean, Discreet, Drug and Disease FREE.
-Masturbating in front of each other. I'm dedicated to expanding my knowledge and advancing my career in this field. Massag sex job.
I am looking for a nice attractive person first of all, for friendship and more.
I'm not great at these intros so ask me any questions I don't mind sending more pics while we're chatting either. My favourite things are giving a woman oral.
I'm a 30-year-old young professional who is just looking for some hot fun and explore.
Also, first time doing this. I'm bisexual but currently more interested in finding women to play with :) Let me know if you are interested!!
I'm a gentleman in the streets a freak in the sheets but also a great per to spend time with. In a very happy open marriage, Looking for new experiences with new friends...
I am a drama free, fun, relaxed woman who likes to enjoy life and all its pleasures. Prefer non smoker. Just looking for a little fun with the right people! Can keep up with me in the bedroom! Girls in Hayesville, NC area. Size 10 waist chest 36bb shoulder brown hair, green eyes , I'm looking for a hot sex toy, Age isnt an issue all you have to be is sexy. I have a normal sex in Connecticut drive and like to go long when having SEX.
A gentleman who knows his way around a woman and understands there's more to good sex than just sex..Someone who is interested in having some fun and living life to the fullest. New to the area and looking for an adventure. I am a 36 yo male very out going love trying new things :P I enjoy meeting new people and trying new things.
Goofy, laid back and honest to a fault.. Hi, im Cam and im looking to try some new things in the bedroom and have a lot to offer.
Devoted couple looking to add a little something extra to our sex lives.
I'm discreet, but not interested in cheaters, and I'm in Connecticut safe and clean and expect you to be the same! Thanks anyway. Long brests women sex finger in mouth naked women.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.