6' 185lbs Semi Retired, Married but separated and living alone. Swinging singles Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Big music lover, where my Tool fans at? Women looking for coupled in Dickson, TN who loves sex slave. Soon and photos. Very laid back and chill person.

Someone who loves dogs. I really want you to message me lets do something fun!!

I'm not new in the LS lifestyle.

Please love to laugh and have fun, what is better than laughing so hard your stomach hurts?! I would Baton Rouge, Louisiana enjoy hanging out,drinking wine,great conversation, doing what women like to do. For all you Doms out there - I would love to try new things with me. Secondly, I am looking for somebody to have fun and become friends go out and enjoy myself.

NO BS here and don't bring any. I am educated and passionate man in Baltimore, looking for connection and having fun time together, both emotionally and physically.
Want to have raging orgasms all night and fall in love? Woman nipple like caw! Love to be around people and good fun.

I'm out 49 year old horny male who loves the kinky side of sex. Fuck tallest women.

Funny corky short and I'm looking for fun I live alone I want to broaden my horizons sexually I m not looking for a sugar momma either, not that there's anything wrong with that) i just think that a woman who looks good during the day is just as sexy as one dressed to the nines on a night out. Someone who can help me decide how Baton Rouge, Louisiana I want to plan my garden this year and likes to spend time with friends. Fun couple that likes to play alone or together depending on the situation.

Just wanna have nsa fun with like minded people, lets catch up.

Open minded, it is a must, my way of thinking is out of the box, so if you are willing to try.
I love all beautiful women and all there build are so sexy to me and delicious. I'm completely discreet, clean, fully employed, own vehicle.
I'm just looking to explore my sexual horizons, can you help? If I want it, give it to me!!!! Looking for another female to have some no strings fun. I have a very active life style, I live in the mountians in the winter, and the beach in the summer.

Chocalate is very addictive. I like to fine living with good times and great meals!

Non smoker, non drug user, follow the rules and respectful kinda guy. Hot free sex dates in Cary, NC needs pussy licked while rock climbing!!!

I'm a busy working mom,but would love to hang out with a girl and get together. I'm away from my husband for the moment due to my job and am looking for a good casual connection.
Being kind goes a long way and Baton Rouge, Louisiana quite a private gal till you get to know me, but I love sex.. I prefer one-on-one sex, but wouldn't mind a threesome with a woman/guy or guy/guy I'm always willing to try some light bondage or blindfolds. I am a communicative and friendly woman.

Fun loving girl who loveeeees older men wants to have fun, experience things, sexual attractive, stylish, interesting , not stubborn or argumentative, naccissist, but kind understanding.

Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.