Looking for some discrete fun, nothing too serious. Women in only Bentonville that want to fuck

I'm high energy I'm a 100 mph runaway train on a 40-mile an hour track. Also a nerd! Dirl that put strange stuff in a vagina have a full figure babes. Life is to be a good woman, to give all of you with great pleasure I consider myself an attentive, sincere, kind, intelligent woman. But you must be willing to be friends. Six foot two tall blokie with natural tanned skin or as I like to say mediterranean olive toned that is looking for some fun in my life.Like my women curvy.I'm an easy going guy with a good sense of humour.
;) FL - straponboy31 Kick - straponboy31. Recently tested and ddf. MfM fun please only message me if you wanna meet up! I'm just looking for friends or someone who likes to give oral I can't host but I can travel I smoke weed play video games just looking for a someone to have fun with 3 8 6...... Just want to explore.
So TRUST is essential.
We are looking for a man or a woman. I believe in living life to the fullest and looking for someone to keep me company.
I'm just looking for someone to gain sexual experience with wether it be me learning from them or we both learning together of what we like and don't like. I'm not too bothered women only Bentonville by what you look like, just be smart. Truly Live!!!
Well travelled and loves long drives. I was that that had a crush on EVERY Single one of my friends Mom's growing up. (I am bi curious, have not had any sexual gay experiences) would love to experience both genders together or solo too. A masculine guy that can be comfortable with me also masculine. I wont sleep with anyone till i get to no them properly, im not a prude but im not easy either x.
Looking for a good time, what ever that might be. I wouldn't complain if a FWB turned into something more with the right one. To get to know, (if appropriate?), to have some fun. Ideally would like to try a threesome or any other possible experience.

Weather its dinner and a movie, going on a radom adventure, having a cook out and enjoying a fire or something else. Most of my friends say i am always looking for the next adrenaline rush, i am 51. Also her and i will blow him together for his sweet cum. Short term or long term serious or not.

A submissive man that is ready for Female leads relationship. My warm heart radiates kindness, empathy, and an unwavering desire to make a positive impact on those around me. I would much rather give orgasms than receive them. Old age girl. Learning new things and desires with my beautiful goddess. I really love to give messages the slow build up.
We are here to live life and women only Bentonville appreciate what we each have to offer.

Would like one. I am new at this but a good (fast) learner.

I am here to have fun, so hit me back and maybe we can hook up my email is message me there and I will get back to you.I am attracted to strong Dominant men. Easy going and like to keep things discreet.
Bi treesome with my girl.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.