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We are a fun loving couple that are looking for a fun man with a sense of humor, responsible and honest, a man who knows how to enjoy sex.

Good - Bad - Sweet - Sassy Emotionally intelligent. BUT you need to do all of this discretely with no strings attached because you are busy, married, attached, etc.? I like to joke around and play a lot but knows when to be serious and just looking for mis right if she's out there. Hi there Stillwater, OK peeps, we are Jamie & Heidi.. Fat passy woman only want to fuck natchitoche.
Married with , looking for ENM/FWB that is long term and stable preferably. I realize that may be a deal breaker for some. Attractive man or woman or couple / Prefer professionals and intelligent individuals / Enjoy a person who can dominate and pleasure me / Married so discretion is very important / Would prefer someone who doesn't want to learn something new and broaden my horizons.
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Pics just by email. I'm looking for my right too, somebady with the same life style, open mind who likes to try new things. - Wants to be cuddled with... It's unfortunate I have to lead with this: No, I don't want to have a threesome or even an orgy, I have had a lot of experience with women, but I'd like to explore that with an older woman.
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Just come out of a long term relationship. How to swap my hot fucking sex on girls panis group? I only wan someone that will livk my pussy til i cum, let me grind my pussy on his face, and devour my ass. Open for anything and everything x. He is not to be played with by anyone but me. We are interested in just having a good time and making some new friends with whom we can play together.
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