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UPDATE* : I purposely let my subscription run out and for now at-least, I have no intention of renewing. I don't have an ideal person, I'm wanting to meet someone that likes to see the lighter side of life and has a healthy sense of humor. Just moved to PEI this previous April for work but looking for whatever is out there! If this sounds like you, hit me up.
I'm looking for nsa, weekly meets, please serious people only. I enjoy going out for shopping, yoga, swimming and playing golf. I want to be spoiled sexually and know what it's like to be a top! A kind and loving guy looking for hookups let's keep it short and sweet and get straight to it. Petite woman.. I am a an eager partner looking to find some adventure outside the bounds of my current Bluefield, WV situation.

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She's a pretty hapa girl, on the thicker side with a big booty and high sex drive, simply insatiable. While im bi curious i am attracted to women' more Bluefield, WV than men.
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That's a tough one. Interested in on going FWB, not fuck buddies or not one night stands for fun in and out of the bedroom...educated professional, in shape, healthy living oriented, love the outdoors, enjoy the finer things in life, carefree, loves to party and knows how to ride the wave. Ideally a day has a balance of physical, mental and social (though I also like plenty of time on my hands to share.
So I am or was a happily married woman of 15 years found out that my husband was cheating on me with a man so since I can't get taken care of by him it's time I handle it my own way.

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Plenty of high heels to make you my footstool with. Always got projects going on but looking for an occasional 'distraction' every now and then from my daily routine. Not sure what more needs to be said at this point.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.