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I don't smoke but like an occasional beer or three, especially if out to dinner or on vacation. I'm looking for personality first. Happy to share more through chat. I don't mind if you have 's they are a part who you are, I like to take one step at time but if u give me the time of day I will return it.
I am drug and disease free; I expect the same from a partner. Caucasian people only no offence intended the wife's choice. I prefer ladies who are definitely bi and are willing to give as well as receive....however I am not opposed to a bi-curious lady and showing her the ropes and how much fun girl playtime can be. Horny girls DE Carpinteria. Someone who understands that I am not available does not mean I don't wanna meet.
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Just look, E-mail me here. Bi couple looking for guys, girls or trans folks to join us.
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I love lots of foreplay, oral and I have a talented tongue. Let her unwrap a pair of 501s size 34x34 for her anniversary or birthday. Chilvary is not dead it's just very hard to find sometimes. I not looking for anything serious just fun chat and meets. Direct contact on horny women breast in sexy stockings and stilettos doing shagging. Prefer something regular over one-night stands.
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I'm intent on finding a passionate woman to experiment with physically, without any strings attached... I like lots of foreplay and long hot passionate kisses. I'd like to meet an intuitive, perhaps even spiritual or mystical woman who is warm and intelligent and who loves learning, dining out, home life, travel, shared experiences and having an emotional connection.
Mentally and emotionally mature. I'm a married bisexual looking for a woman to have a threesome with you and your boyfriend and Me and my boyfriend together, or just me and her alone.
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Looking for fwb or casual. I am a single mother of a beautiful and i am also bi curious and would like to be with another woman.
I'm looking for a confident, intelligent lady to possibly spend time together and share in the pleasures of the flesh. No drama guaranteed warrantied adult here.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.