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My name is Riley,34yrs old..I am looking for a soul mate, a lover, a husband, a true friend all in one to spend the rest of my life with after losing my late wife a year ago now then. I am a BBW that is looking for a man to join them as well.

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I love giving oral - I could spend hours doing it. A fun party having , ya know the dimensional kind that make sex a very good feeling and sometimes imaginations create things. Hung guy who beach family is okay with a newb worshipping his cock.

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I enjoy video beach family games, cooking, animals (mostly dogs), and Live Action Roleplaying. And I miss it. I'm a single mom, looking for someone fun to hangout with in and out of bed.
I'm probably everything you would need and more.
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Would you like more passion, fun and adventure? I'm straight I'm interested in exploring sex with another man. Happy go lucky couple.
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