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On Sunday afternoons I like to partake in activities that are not so legal. I want to have some fun that I've had in the past and explore some new sexual experiences with cool people. Looking for a good time not a long time I work offshore so my dates have to be planned and time is limited im easy going and laid back kind of guy, I enjoy rock n roll, cigars, ridding my bike, taking care of my.
I am a lady you can grow old with. Looking for an equal to develope a relationship/life, or just fun I guess. He is in tune with the moment and will know how to accept me with my qualities and faults..Despite everything I wish to have a person with a functioning heartbrain axis and social graces.

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But she wants to find the right guy that can give her the freedom to be uninhibited without being degraded. I'm unable to host at this time. After raising the caring for the fam now is my time I am not looking to leave this relationship only to satissfy my high sex drive and yours.
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Once in a while.

Books are my refuge, where tales unfurl, In their pages, my spirit takes a twirl. Fun & Extremely Chill. Your relationship status does not matter to me. I'm a kind open-minded guy just looking for to experience more that life has to offer.

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