I've played on the kinky side in the past but good hot vanilla sex is great too. Horny women in the Bronx. Swingers club for full figure woman

Send number on msg. I love to cook, camp, fish, hike, to name a few. Jamais tromper fac comme neuf encore aime manger chatte.
Looking for easy going, nice guys that want to be teased and then use me as a sex toy. Someone who is real has a pulse and likes to communicate. Chemistry must fit, personal hygiene is standard, pleasuring a women, watching my woman having fun. I'm in search of a FWB with a woman who is local to the area. I'm newly out of a complicated thing- fresh and ready to explore.
5-11 with a little dadbod - carrying about 20 extra lbs Married but working through a divorce. Im just a super mega huge slut for black men. I can come alone or I we can come together. I'm a kinky, dominating bear type, a huge nerd and a fun playful partner. Sandwich pussy wet.

Able to travel. Fun, easy going, active man with manners enough to make sure his woman has got a smile on her face and is screaming my the Bronx name atleast once a day. I can be discrete.

He might be a bit romantic, same as me. I'm a geek through and through. Do fun things in the bedroom and hang outside of it as well.
A very sexual loving couple if you don't want to fuck us as a couple ONLY WOMAN can fuck one of us xx. Looking to try straight sex for the first time.
Basic member so I usually can't respond to messages. We are a mixed couple (f) middle eastern and Italian and (m) black. Someone who doesn't judge and isn't afraid to take charge.
Always having great sex, but always looking for fun, I'm a truck driver for any of you ladies wondering. Curiousx54 <<< Another Scorpio, lol. Being lonely hurts, looking for to have lovely hug relax and forget world. I want to spread your legs...and eat your pussy..then flip you over and put my hard dick inside you...biting you on the neck like a dog...making you mine as I slide deeper with every thrust...Or we can get a drink and talk it's what ever lol. Babes public sex!

It would be my first time with a woman, so looking for someone willing to take a chance and have fun with me. I like going out and about but also appreciate doing nothing at all. She loves to be the center of attention or who lives in the gym, but also I do not seek change anyone's life situation or create complications.

We play together for the most part. She is sweet, polite, sexy, and wild. Women who love enormous cocks.

I need to meet you face to face just to make sure we have a connection.
I'm very easy going. Recently turned 60 and I think my horniness meter jumped 100%. Is some one that understands its a scary world we live in and they should be patient and help us to feel safe.
I'm open to what your into so just ask.

I would like to meet new friends for NSA, with the right for either to move on if you or I would like. Someone for fun times either nsa, or i wouldnt mind if it became more serious at a later date. MUST BE CLEAN , POLITE AND GIVES THE BEST ORAL SEX THAT CAN MAKE ME CUM FOR MORE!!!!!

Someone open minded to new things, not just sex but life in general. Easy fun loving, nice enjoys having a laugh not always serious. Horny sexy woman.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.