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Chill guy here looking for a some FWB. Oh, hey, I also like editing photos and collecting digital art as a hobby. Sex with black guys with dreads at the beach getting kinky.
I'm all for FWB...

Im looking to find my first 3some, and Im NOT into women!

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I prefer someone athletic or hwp. Inside woman pussy. I don't mind letting the man watch or depending on the mood, participate. So looking for NSA, FWB Friday or Saturday nights with couple drinks laughs, watch a movie do some slow dancing and go from there. Or an open family.
I'm a single Male , looking Bonners Ferry for adult fun and a possible relationship. Single , Politically Incorrect, Adventurous, Passionate, Sensual, Affectionate, Kinky/ Passive, Submissive Sissy Gay guy.
Let's help each other get what we need. I'm also excited by the idea of remaining essentially strangers just having anon encounters. Someone who is accepting of others as they are, curious about what's going on in the world, mostly science stuff. 51 yr old female looking for a woman that I can love in marital bliss and as a best-friend. I am trying to find someone(s) that can help with my high libido. Im looking to meet guys and hookup.
I am Professional and New to the singles game. Looking for someone with similar interests and knows how to have a good time and par-Tay hard. Am a kind and tender guy, I have a good heart and in Bonners Ferry firm hand. Those who value deep, meaningful conversations as much as lighthearted banter, but know when to say nothing at all..I support dreams and passions of one's individual pursuits as well as the shared adventure.

I am a classic car buff.

I don't like just normal and boring things ; ). Looking to travel as I can not host. People interested for sex in Cypress, Texas looking for. Looking for adventure in all the wrong places!
Mostly attracted to women/trans Unfortunately unable to host but can travel. Gentleman that likes being romantic ,going to movies sumtimes, lovely evening such as nature fishing, once in a while,dancing,candlelight dinner special nights, sitting by a fire place with some wine. Life is busy and can be very stressful as adults we all have wants,needs,desires that should be attended to.
Going thru a terrible divorce.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.