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Looking to meet a friendly, easy going person to share the bedroom with :). Feel free to reach out and see if we click! No SCAT giving or receiving And take your fucking socks swap seniors off!

So one who has a sex drive and yes the plumbing works. High sex drive like me.

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Since this a sex site and not real life or Eharmony I will keep it pushing and so should you. Swinger lifestyle weekend getaways Tennessee for hot sex in Fredericksburg, VA for discreet affairs in Baton Rouge want to fuck in Albertville, AL 35951. If I have any regrets, they are not because of what I do for a living. I'm an open book...maybe too open but I am who I am I like professional smart and polite women Dont send me nudes if I wanna see you naked I will meet you for that.
I'm a cool guy just looking to have laughs. Very attractive and athletic. I'm a shy straight guy, definitely prefer traditional situations. Girls in Macon that just want sexin rochestermn! I'm in a great relationship but we are also interested in nsa fun as well. I'm not a religious individual or anything like that, I'm just trying to gain eternal life. I don't always shave, I don't always wear cologne, I might be a little bit rough sometimes so you could say that's a complete switch!
Maybe work on something long term. I'm gonna be honest I'm just looking for a pal to entertain me.
Finger licking good. I'm looking for someone who likes to Netflix and chill or go out on a whim.

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Im lookin to be dominated. Especially if it's well manicured fuzz. Nude biceps girl. I will describe myself to a real man who wants to date.

Just opening it up for some fun! Here to have fun and make friends !! Semifat lady fucks. Generally submissive but can switch for the right person.
I love cougars/BBWs, have some experience as a cub..I am open to all women though, no preference.
I'll only join in if you want me to and I always will bring condoms with me regardless.
The ideal guy would love to cuddle and be held tight and ur moans make me wetter. Please no games or drama.
I am kinky and prefer to interact with other kinky people. Just an average people person; love to be kind swap seniors to others, that sort of thing. Married women for fuck in office fun.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.